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We’ve introduced our unique Oxbridge Activity Passport this term, and our students are already progressing with some of the carefully curated activities and experiences! There are 20 activities for each year group to achieve over the academic year, carefully chosen and curated. The Activity Passport encourages students to explore, stay active and be curious!


Our Y5 student Paco did exceptional work completing a task on the Activity Passport. Not only did he plan and cook a meal for his family, he also produced a handcrafted recipe, complete with pictures. Well done, Paco!


Y4 students have been completing some of the outdoor activities - Alexander and Andrew swam outside, whilst Egon swam after driving the boat there! Also in Y4,  Harris undertook an educational trip to the Science Museum to see the dinosaur exhibition and to learn everything about them!

Our Oxbridge Activity Passport inspires our students beyond the classroom!

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