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The Thailand School Exchange between St Andrews International School Samakee and Oxbridge School, Hong Kong was a memorable and enriching experience for students and staff from both schools.

Day 1 involved a flight to Bangkok and a warm welcome at St Andrews International School Samakee. A welcome dinner provided an opportunity for students from both schools to meet and interact with each other.

Day 2 started with a school assembly, followed by participation in the Loy Kratong festival, where students learned about the Thai tradition and created their own boat offerings. In the afternoon, students integrated into academic classes and clubs, fostering collaboration and mutual learning.

Day 3 focused on a Spanish Day, with activities centered around the vibrant country of Peru. Students engaged in various activities, including creating Lego models of Machu Picchu and learning Latin American dance moves.

On Day 4, students from boith schools went on an excursion to Koh Kret Island, where they participated in pottery-making and explored traditional Thai textile techniques. They also enjoyed a delicious lunch of authentic Thai cuisine.

Days 5,6 and 7 of the exchange included an Awards Ceremony, regular lessons, a BBQ gathering, a visit to the Get Growing Farm, and heartfelt farewells. The exchange program fostered friendships, academic growth, and cultural understanding and we look forward to future collaborations and the continuation of international ties.



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